Privacy and Cookie Policy

  1. We at Gicleeads take the security of personal data of our users very seriously and committed ourselves to protect your personal information.

    We collect only the minimum information required from you. If you think that we have more information about you, please contact us at to raise any concerns you have.

  2. What Is Personal Information?

    Any information that allows you to be identified, is your personal information, such as your:

    First and last names
    Postal addresses
    Email addresses
    Contact numbers
    Identity documents (e.g. driving license)
    Career & educational documents (e.g. CVs & qualifications)
    Contact information

  3. Obtaining Your Personal Information

    Here, we mentioned some examples of how you may provide personal information to us:

    Contacting us, via our website
    Opting for our digital marketing services
    Searching our website
    Browsing our website
    Submitting CVs to be a part of our company
    Sharing your business cards with us

  4. Using Your Personal Information

    Personal information provided by you will be used for the following purposes by Gicleeads:

    To provide the services requested by you.
    To expand our business and services.
    To maintain our website.
    To enhance your browsing experience.
    To examine user data.
    To understand how people, use our website’s features and functions.

  5. Or for another purpose for which you have provided our personal information including reasons given in the ‘Collection of personal information’ section. Gicleeads never collects information for sale purposes to the third party.

  6. Legal Purposes For Processing Personal Information

    There are one or more of the following conditions:

    To perform our contractual commitments to you; and/or
    To fulfill any legal and administrative obligations to which we are subject; and/or
    To satisfy our legal interests while the efficient transfer of information and services to you and in the active and legal process of our businesses (where this does not interfere with your rights); and/or
    When you have accepted to us treating your personal information.

  7. Security Of Personal Information

    If we transfer, share your personal data to another person or a third party, then there will be the following reasons behind it:

    All the reasons placed under ‘Use of personal information’ section

    During the maintenance of our website.
    For other internal or official purposes.
    When requested by you.
    When asked to deliver goods or services as per your request.
    When there is a need to promote our conferences or events.
    And as stated in this privacy policy.
    Also, we will share your personal data to law enforcement, regulatory and other government agencies.

  8. Further, we will share your personal data to the third party, who are service providers of identity management, website hosting, data analysis, data backup, and security. And, according to our policies, we use third-party that are obliged to maintain suitable confidentiality and to process the information on our instructions and who follow the same commitments down to their sub-parties.

  9. Retention Of Personal Information

    We will use your personal information till the time we need it and will provide you with the given reason for which it was collected, or was required. Usually, by the above statement, we mean that we will preserve your personal information for the next 2 years after our last contact. For more information on the same, you can contact us:

  10. Rights In Relation To Your Information

    You have the following rights related to your personal data, as mentioned below:

    You can ask for a duplicate of your personal data.
    You can ask us to update or to make corrections in your personal information.

    If you want to use these changes than you can contact us at

  11. Children

    Gicleeads understands the value of protecting children’s privacy. Thus, we will never knowingly collect personal data of individuals under the age of 13. Further, we also follow the rules regarding marketing to children.

  12. Our Website

    There might be chances that any third-party sites is linked with ours and also these sites are not controlled or operated by us or under our privacy policies.

    We advise you to look for their privacy policies first before sharing any details with them. Further, we do not aim to collect any sensitive or personal information through our websites such as your race or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious beliefs, physical or mental health; genetic data, biometric data, sexual life, and criminal records.

    We ask you to not provide any special category of personal information while using our website.

  13. Cookies

    Our website uses Google Analytics to help us to see information on the user’s website, including all the activities performed by their visitors, page views, source, time spent, etc. Every information is decoded and further displayed as numbers so that the individuals cannot be traced back. In this way, your privacy is protected.

  14. Contacting Us

    If there are any questions regarding this privacy policy you may contact us at [email protected]