Choose a plan that's right
for your business


Web development

$ 550 /mo

Billed once a month

Basic website with up to 5 pages

Customized template design with your branding elements

Responsive design for optimal viewing on desktop, tablet, and mobile devices

Basic SEO optimization and integration with Google Analytics

Limited revisions and support


$ 850 /mo

Billed once a month

Professional website with up to 10 pages

Custom-designed layout and graphics tailored to your brand identity

Responsive design for optimal viewing on desktop, tablet, and mobile devices

Enhanced SEO optimization, including keyword research and on-page optimization

Integration of essential plugins and tools for enhanced functionality (e.g., contact forms, social media integration)

Extended support and maintenance for a specified period after launch


$ 1,350 /mo

Billed once a month

Fully customized website with unlimited pages and advanced functionality

Custom-designed layout and graphics tailored to your brand identity

Responsive design for optimal viewing on desktop, tablet, and mobile devices

Comprehensive SEO strategy, including content optimization, link building, and ongoing monitoring and reporting

Integration with third-party APIs and platforms for seamless data exchange and functionality (e.g., payment gateways, CRM systems)

Advanced security measures and performance optimization for maximum reliability and speed.

Extended support and maintenance for a specified period after launch


Digital Marketing

$ 425 /mo

Billed once a month

Basic SEO optimization including keyword research, on-page optimization, and meta tags

Social media management on one platform (e.g., Facebook or Instagram) with regular posts and engagement

Basic content creation such as blog posts or social media graphics

Monthly analytics report to track key performance metrics


$ 750 /mo

Billed once a month

Comprehensive SEO strategy including keyword optimization, content creation, and backlink building

Social media management on multiple platforms (e.g., Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) with regular posts, engagement, and community management

Content creation and distribution across various channels, including blogs, videos, and infographics

Email marketing campaigns with automation, segmentation, and A/B testing

Monthly analytics and performance reports with insights and recommendations for optimization


$ 1,150 /mo

Billed once a month

Advanced SEO strategy with ongoing optimization, competitor analysis, and local SEO optimization

Full-scale social media management including content calendar planning, influencer partnerships, and paid advertising campaigns

Comprehensive content marketing strategy with high-quality content production, distribution, and promotion

Advanced email marketing automation with personalized workflows, lead scoring, and advanced segmentation

Paid advertising campaigns across multiple channels (e.g., Google Ads, Facebook Ads) with extensive targeting and retargeting options

Monthly in-depth reporting with detailed analysis of campaign performance, ROI, and actionable insights for continuous improvement


Digital Automation

$ 655 /mo

Billed once a month

Implementation of simple workflow automation for repetitive tasks such as data entry, form submissions, and email notifications

Integration of basic marketing automation tools for lead capture and email marketing

Limited customization and support with predefined automation workflows

Monthly performance reports with insights on time saved and efficiency improvements


$ 950 /mo

Billed once a month

Customized workflow automation tailored to specific business needs and objectives, such as sales pipeline management, lead scoring, and customer onboarding

Integration of marketing automation platforms with CRM systems for seamless data synchronization and lead management

Advanced automation features such as conditional logic, data validation, and multi-step workflows

Ongoing support and maintenance with regular updates and troubleshooting

Monthly analytics reports tracking key performance indicators and ROI


$ 1,350 /mo

Billed once a month

End-to-end automation solutions covering a wide range of business processes across multiple departments and systems

Custom development of advanced automation workflows leveraging cutting-edge technologies such as AI, machine learning, and natural language processing

Integration with enterprise-grade software systems and APIs for seamless data exchange and workflow orchestration

Dedicated account management and 24/7 support for rapid response and resolution of issues

Monthly analytics reports tracking key performance indicators and ROI
